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  3. 框架使用问题
  4. 顶部修改
  5. 菜单导航


  1. 登录到您的WordPress仪表板。
  2. 转到外观>菜单。
  3. 在页面顶部选择要编辑的菜单。
  4. 您可以通过拖动项目来重新排列菜单项的顺序。单击菜单项旁边的箭头以展开子菜单,并可以将子菜单项拖动到其父菜单项下。
  5. 您可以添加新的菜单项。选择要添加的项目类型(例如,页面,自定义链接或分类目录),然后填写项目的详细信息。
  6. 您可以删除菜单项。单击菜单项旁边的“删除”按钮即可删除该项。
  7. 您可以设置菜单的位置。在“位置”选项卡中,您可以选择菜单的位置(例如,主菜单或侧边栏菜单)和显示位置(例如,哪些页面上显示该菜单)。



  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance > Menus.
  3. Select the menu you want to edit at the top of the page.
  4. You can rearrange the order of the menu items by dragging and dropping them. Click the arrow next to a menu item to expand its sub-menu and drag sub-menu items to be placed under their parent menu item.
  5. You can add new menu items. Select the type of item you want to add (e.g. page, custom link, or category) and fill in the details of the item.
  6. You can remove menu items. Click the “Remove” button next to the menu item to remove it.
  7. You can set the location of the menu. In the “Locations” tab, you can choose where the menu will be displayed (e.g. main menu or sidebar menu) and on which pages it will be displayed.

Once you’re done, click “Save Menu” to save your changes.
