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  4. elementor slider 幻灯片 banner

elementor slider 幻灯片 banner


  1. 在Elementor中创建一个新页面或打开您要编辑的现有页面。
  2. 添加一个“滑块”小部件。您可以通过拖放“滑块”小部件到页面上或单击“+”按钮来添加它。
  3. 在“滑块”设置中,您可以设置滑块的宽度、高度、自动播放、动画效果和滑块速度等选项。您还可以选择要使用的导航样式和分页器样式。
  4. 点击“添加幻灯片”按钮开始添加滑块幻灯片。您可以为每个幻灯片添加图像、标题、副标题和按钮等元素。您还可以在幻灯片中添加背景图像、视频或图像图层。
  5. 您可以在左侧的幻灯片选项中重新排列幻灯片的顺序,删除幻灯片或复制幻灯片。
  6. 您可以在“滑块”小部件设置中调整幻灯片之间的间距,以及选择要在滑块之间循环播放或在最后一张幻灯片之后停止播放。


  1. Create a new page in Elementor or open an existing page that you want to edit.
  2. Add a “Slider” widget. You can add it by dragging and dropping the “Slider” widget to your page or clicking the “+” button and searching for it.
  3. In the Slider settings, you can set the slider’s width, height, autoplay, animation effect, and slider speed, among other options. You can also choose the navigation style and pagination style you want to use.
  4. Click the “Add Slide” button to start adding slider slides. You can add images, titles, subtitles, buttons, and other elements for each slide. You can also add a background image, video, or image layer in the slide.
  5. You can rearrange the order of the slides, delete or duplicate the slides in the slide options on the left.
  6. You can adjust the spacing between the slides and choose whether to loop the slider or stop playing after the last slide in the “Slider” widget settings.

Once you are finished, click “Update” to save your settings. You have now successfully created a slider in Elementor!
