1. 主页
  2. 文档
  3. 框架使用问题
  4. 首页(主页homepage)设计建议


主页上有Manufacturer Products Quality Clients FAQ Inquiry等信息。

推荐参考网站 https://metaletching.com/ https://www.agreto.com/ https://shuttershadeshoppe.com/

[Hero Section]

Eye-catching image or video that showcases your products or services
Headline that highlights your company’s main selling point or unique value proposition
Subheading that briefly explains what your company does and how it can help your target audience
Call-to-action button that directs users to contact you or learn more about your products/services

[Manufacturer Section]

Information about your company’s manufacturing capabilities, such as the types of materials you work with, your production processes, and any certifications or quality standards you adhere to
Images or videos of your manufacturing facilities and equipment, if possible

[Products Section]

A grid or list of your company’s main products or services, each accompanied by a brief description and an image
Links to more detailed product/service pages, if available

[Quality Section]

Information about your company’s commitment to quality, such as your quality control processes, inspection procedures, and any certifications or awards you’ve received
Testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers that demonstrate your company’s quality and reliability

[Clients Section]

A list or logo display of some of your company’s key clients or partners
Testimonials or case studies from satisfied clients that showcase your company’s ability to meet their needs

[FAQ Section]

Frequently Asked Questions about your company and products/services, each accompanied by a brief answer
Contact information or a form for users to submit their own questions or inquiries

[Inquiry Section]

A form or contact information for users to request more information or submit inquiries about your products/services
Clear instructions on how to get in touch with your company for additional support or assistance
